Daddy Long-Leg Spider

Pholcus phalangioides

Family: Pholcidae  ID: Fuesslin, 1775

Habitat and Biology
This spider is commonly found indoors in dark areas, such as behind doors or furniture, disused rooms, etc. Old webs are often seen in the corners of ceilings. Outside it occurs in garages and sheds, under verandahs, etc. Lifespan may vary from three months to two years depending on temperature and food supply. Food consists of small insects, spiders, silverfish, etc. The daddy long-leg spider is usually associated with human habitation and is thought to have been introduced into this country. Harvestmen (Opiliones) are sometimes mistaken as daddy long-leg spiders; however, harvestmen lack a median constriction of the body and are rarely found indoors, preferring moist areas outside. The eggs are held together in a circular bundle with a few silk threads and are carried in the mouthparts of the female until hatching

Male: Similar to female.
Female: Overall body colour pale brown to cream with darker markings on legs and cephalothorax, sometimes with darker markings on abdomen.

Recognised by its extremely long and slender legs and relatively small body.

Body Length
Male: 16mm
Female: 20mm

Web type
Makes a tangled web, up to 30 cm in diameter, inside shelter locations.

Relatively harmless; local reaction if any. Folk lore has it that the venom of this spider is extremely poisonous.