Wolf Spider

Lycosa (species)

Family: Lycosidae

Habitat and Biology
Wolf spiders are ground-dwelling hunters. Some species shelter in permanent burrows while others are vagrants. In the garden they are often encountered by humans whilst digging or weeding. When disturbed they rapidly run across the ground. When they stop suddenly their colour patterns can make them difficult to see. The egg sac is constructed of white papery silk and is carried around by the female attached to her spinnerets at the rear of the abdomen. Upon hatching, the spiderlings are carried around on the female's back until they can fend for themselves. This degree of parental care is unusual among spiders.

Male: Similar to female.
Female: Brown to greyish brown, cephalothorax often with paler radiating pattern, abdomen often with foliate or ribbed pattern above and black patch below.

Rear two pairs of eyes enlarged with most posterior pair placed distinctly back on cephalothorax.

Body Length
Male: Up to 25mm
Female: Up to 25mm

Web type
Does not build a web.

There are no records of any serious symptoms resulting from wolf spider bites in Australia. Symptoms include local pain and swelling.