Jumping Spider

Sandalodes (near bipenicillatus)
Family: Salticidae  ID: Keyserling, 1882

Habitat and Biology
Jumping spiders are a large and diverse group ranging from the dull colours of Sandalodes to the quite bright and spectacular colours of some other species. Most species are relatively small and are often found under bark or rocks, in vegetation, and on walls of houses and fences. The common name comes from the habit of these spiders of jumping on their prey, which they locate with the large pair of eyes. They can jump up to a distance of several centimetres. In many male jumping spiders, the first two pairs of legs are noticeably longer and more brightly coloured than the other legs. These legs are waved at the female during the courtship dance of the male. Jumping spiders usually construct a silken retreat in which to rest, moult and place the egg sac. The egg sac is usually oval in shape and made of white silk.

Male: Similar to female except with mottled dull white over body.
Female: Cephalothorax and legs dark grey with whitish hair, abdomen with dull white stripe with black border along midline.

Small, elongate spider, with middle front pair of eyes greatly enlarged.

Body Length
Male: 10mm
Female: 13mm

Web type
Does not build a web.

These spiders are generally timid and few bites are known. Symptoms are minor and localised to the bite site.